Hello! My name is Katarina Ramljak. I discovered Access Consciousness tools because I was looking for something different in my life, I wanted a change.
I was always very curious and wanted to know everything about everything. I traveled a lot and also have experience with different jobs and activities, tourism, translating, cultural institutions, singing, dancing, foreign languages. I was always interested in all aspects of life on this planet and it seemed that no matter how much I studied and took all kinds of courses (I have a masters degree in Geography and another one in Portuguese language and culture) that the most important things I don't know. I don't know what I want, that life can be so much more and I don't know how to get there, that when it gets difficult I don't know how to be with it, that I am not enough, but then again sometimes I am too much...
Sometimes it is hard to explain what Access Consciousness tools and sessions create and why to choose them, as they can change any and all aspects of our life, and of course without promising results. Because it is not about results. It is about becoming aware of all aspects of our lives so we can choose what works for us and our body. So we can stop living on auto-pilot. So you can dissipate and release all limitations, believes, fears that are stopping us on our way. Do you want to change the energy of our body so that molecules can vibrate with happiness? So you can be magnificent as you are?
The changes that I sow on my clients and other people using Access Consciousness tools are really beautiful.
Access Consciousness is an invitation for a life with more joy and lightness.
So I invite you to listen to your body and to trust you. I invite to for a change that starts within. I invite to to a gentle and yet very powerful revolution.
Bez obzira da li živite u Zagrebu ili negdje drugo, slobodno mi se javite ako ste zainteresirani za tretman ili tečaj. Do sada sam držala tečajeve u Dubrovniku, Splitu, Mostaru, što je još sve moguće i koliko se grad u kojem živite može promijeniti radi promjene koju ste vi voljni biti i pokrenuti?